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SEIKO 精工 可口可樂掛鐘 (紅) QHA901R

商品特色原廠公司貨可口可樂聯名,復刻經典全球限量3000台,滑動式秒針料號:QHA901R產品圖案或因隨機剪裁而略有不同。圖片只供參考,一切以實物為準。Product pattern may vary slightly due to random tailoring.The pictures are for reference only, everything is subject to the actual product...

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SEIKO 精工 可口可樂檯鐘 (紅) QHP902R

商品特色原廠公司貨可口可樂聯名,復刻經典滑動式秒針,夜光燈、貪睡功能料號:QHP902R產品圖案或因隨機剪裁而略有不同。圖片只供參考,一切以實物為準。Product pattern may vary slightly due to random tailoring.The pictures are for reference only, everything is subject to the actual product...

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SEIKO 精工 可口可樂跳字鬧鐘 (紅/金) QHL903Q

SEIKO精工,可口可樂聯名液晶數位顯示日曆顯示,計時碼錶紅色所構成的鬧鐘復古感覺強烈日本鐘錶品牌 Seiko 與美國飲品公司 Coca-Cola作為擁有一百多年歷史背景的他們,就同樣充滿著傳奇性,此番兩個品牌就共同合作推出聯名時鐘系列一系列多色調所構成掛鐘系列復古感覺強烈日本精工原廠機芯,可口可樂聯名設計液晶數位顯示,搭載中間Coca-Cola logo顯示不僅可觀看時間,也可裝飾出屬於自我風格產品圖案或因隨機剪裁而略有不同。圖片只供參考,一切以實物為準。Product pattern may vary slightly due to random tailoring.The picture..

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SEIKO 精工 圓形掛鐘 (黑) QXA933K

商品特色原廠公司貨阿拉伯數字時標,聯名掛鐘外表或質感都更復古情懷料號:QXA933K產品圖案或因隨機剪裁而略有不同。圖片只供參考,一切以實物為準。Product pattern may vary slightly due to random tailoring.The pictures are for reference only, everything is subject to the actual product...

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SEIKO 精工 圓掛鐘 (紅/藍) QXA791J

商品特色原廠公司貨滑動式秒針,夜間燈光功能潛水圈造型,增添空間美感料號:QXA791J產品圖案或因隨機剪裁而略有不同。圖片只供參考,一切以實物為準。Product pattern may vary slightly due to random tailoring.The pictures are for reference only, everything is subject to the actual product...

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SEIKO 精工 圓掛鐘 (金) QHA007G

產品圖案或因隨機剪裁而略有不同。圖片只供參考,一切以實物為準。Product pattern may vary slightly due to random tailoring.The pictures are for reference only, everything is subject to the actual product...

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SEIKO 精工 圓掛鐘 (白面) QXA733S

產品圖案或因隨機剪裁而略有不同。圖片只供參考,一切以實物為準。Product pattern may vary slightly due to random tailoring.The pictures are for reference only, everything is subject to the actual product...

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SEIKO 精工 圓掛鐘 (銀) QXA793L

產品圖案或因隨機剪裁而略有不同。圖片只供參考,一切以實物為準。Product pattern may vary slightly due to random tailoring.The pictures are for reference only, everything is subject to the actual product...

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SEIKO 精工 圓掛鐘(啡)跳針 QXA787B

產品圖案或因隨機剪裁而略有不同。圖片只供參考,一切以實物為準。Product pattern may vary slightly due to random tailoring.The pictures are for reference only, everything is subject to the actual product...

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SEIKO 精工 圓掛鐘(棕) QXA768B

掛牆時鐘塑膠外殼滑動式秒針34 x 4.5 cmAA x 1產品圖案或因隨機剪裁而略有不同。圖片只供參考,一切以實物為準。Product pattern may vary slightly due to random tailoring.The pictures are for reference only, everything is subject to the actual product...

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SEIKO 精工 圓掛鐘(棕) QXA772B

掛牆時鐘木質外殼滑動式秒針29.5 x 4.5 cm0.68kgAA x 1產品圖案或因隨機剪裁而略有不同。圖片只供參考,一切以實物為準。Product pattern may vary slightly due to random tailoring.The pictures are for reference only, everything is subject to the actual product...

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SEIKO 精工 圓掛鐘(藍) QXA767L

掛牆時鐘滑動式秒針塑膠外殼Ø32.8 x 3.9cm0.70kgAA x 1產品圖案或因隨機剪裁而略有不同。圖片只供參考,一切以實物為準。Product pattern may vary slightly due to random tailoring.The pictures are for reference only, everything is subject to the actual product...

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SEIKO 精工 圓掛鐘(銀) QXA770J

掛牆時鐘塑膠外殼雲石效果滑動式秒針尺寸: 33.4 x 7.8電池: AA x 1產品圖案或因隨機剪裁而略有不同。圖片只供參考,一切以實物為準。Product pattern may vary slightly due to random tailoring.The pictures are for reference only, everything is subject to the actual product...

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SEIKO 精工 圓檯鐘 (紅) QHE187A

產品詳情經典風格的鬧鐘,錶殼採用金色塑料製成,配有鮮豔的紅色錶盤。功能包括 lumibrite 指針、燈光和貪睡功能。包括電池。產品圖案或因隨機剪裁而略有不同。圖片只供參考,一切以實物為準。Product pattern may vary slightly due to random tailoring.The pictures are for reference only, everything is subject to the actual product...

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SEIKO 精工 圓檯鐘 QHE114E

鬧鐘滑動式秒針LumiBrite®燈光嗶嗶聲貪睡計時功能倒數計時功能(最短:00m:01s /最長:99m:59s)塑膠外殼1 x 10.6 x 5.7cm21kgAA(Alkaline) x 2產品圖案或因隨機剪裁而略有不同。圖片只供參考,一切以實物為準。Product pattern may vary slightly due to random tailoring.The pictures are for reference only, everything is subject to the actual product...

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